A recent frenzy on certain social networking sites has been 'Google JoJo Cleary' and see what she is really like...blah blah blah... as if doing that is a sure way to get the truth on anyone! But alas, i have been the victim of an on-line troll who seems to have an un-natural obsession with me,quite worrying really as it claims to be a bird and i dont swing that way... however, the insipid little troll has become 'friends' with another who i had a barney with and between them and their 'friends',i have become 'infamous'...i think Google owe me for the hits they have had....Usually i would not give a flying fish about people who spend to much time on-line following my every move,lets face it,whatever floats their boat....but when it comes to having an effect on the many people who work at & ultimately,the very people we help,then i get the hump... So i am going to show you the blog creatively created to paint me as the Leader of the BNP & EDL (thats a joke by the way),many screen shots of the bullshit posted and the day to day stuff i have to put up with... why am i doing this you may well ask,good question... the difference between me & those who dedicate their time to trying to destroy a charitable organisation committed to helping the armed forces is simple, I am genuine and truely committed to my cause....
So where do i begin...its all a tad confusing as i dont really know what it is that i did so bad to warrant the attention ,you see, i aint that important, but these beings have bigged me up and made me well known ...takes a bow....
I guess it started on January 1st 2010.. god i was hungover and needed a hair of the dog..actually i had the whole coat of said dog! At some point i recieved a message on Facebook from a mate called Mike Mosley (you'll learn more about him later on); this message said that an Islamic Extremist group called Islam4UK were proposing to march through Wootton Bassett carrying empty coffins... well, even in my drunken state, i declared this would not happen all the time i had a hole in my arse!... I hit that damned 'create a group' option on facebook....
No To The Proposed March By Islam4uk Through WB
I should have started that with 'Once Upon A Time'.... Sorry, i forgot i was meant to be serious here...
So, i start this group,posted it to my profile with a little 5 minute rant & buggered off to bed...oh come on,it was the day after New Years Eve & i felt like shite...Got up on saturday morning to find that over 10,000 had joined this group, I kid you not as i had to approve the damned requests to join!!! I got myself some trusted friends on facebook to help run the group & we watched in utter amazment as this group grew & grew....nearly one million members in 5 days. ( admins on group will be mentioned later on)
Meanwhile it was snowing big time & we were all stuck at home; the national press seemed to have overcome the weather & appeared like snowflakes at my home...loads of them all wanting in to talk about this bloody group on Facebook!!!! ( i'm not saying that all snowflakes communicate of course)....
Ferocious, Fiesty, Vile, Lively,Exploding,Angry,Exhausting, are just some words that spring to mind when i think of that group..I had never come across such a strong reaction from so many people..I added admin unknown to me but suggested as good people,they were and did a fantastic job...we worked with Wiltshire police & facebook themseleves,due to the massive volumne of traffic on the some points there were over 800 posts per min,many racist,many just written in anger and generalising...i'm sure you get the drift of it all.. we did our best to delete any posts deemed racist or inciting violence and we did good...we were far from perfect,it was impossible to be,but we ALL did the best we could...The police applauded our reaction.. however, we were introduced to those who believed we were wrong...and i am not talking about Muslims,no way... I am talking about what i soon became to know as Internet Trolls... They want us all to hold hands, dance in a circle and sing 'i'd like to teach the world to sing'.....Thats until they try you in their kangeroo court & find you guilty of crimes only punishable by constant stalking, obsessive compulsions to foam with excitement when you join a group, i'm quite sure they find some moments of my on-line behaviour orgasmic, judging by the way i am still followed and admired, 17 months later....Let me introduce Exposing racism on-line part blah blah blah & its leader...Darcy Jones (she/he is also referred to as Duncy in later posts)
What can i tell you about Duncy then...well, she thinks anyone who disagrees with her is a cnut (such a pleasant troll) & its a confusing trait for one who claims that all men are equal, guess it likes Animal Farm...where all men are equal but some are more equal than ohters!! So Duncy is George Orwells chief pig Old Major....Duncy really is a bitter,unhappy being, i cant confirm gender as these trolls use various fake names etc, i guess its a sign on their own insecurities & lack of conviction in their own beliefs..I might share some of these trolls later on and you can judge for yourself......But Old Major, well, she is strange... she is the one i told you about at the beginning,who appears to be obsessed... she doesnt like me,she doesnt like anything i do, she doesn't like the military & she doesn't care who she uses to get to me... aint that a sad life for anyone to lead...and she is the force behind this blog...she is the one who nit picks through threads to grab a post of mine,she is also the one who edits this blog depending on who is kissing her arse...its been edited more times than an MP'S expence claim!
Have a good read and i will be addressing as many points as i can ..... Must apologise to Google at this point as you no longer have to 'google me' to read this......
Ok, lets have a nosey at what Duncy saw fit to write... 'Forces Sweetheart'.... her words and a title i should really feel proud to have bestowed upon me... if it wasnt coming from a being who detests the Armed Forces! I'm the daughter of a soldier, my dad spent all his working life in the Guards, he still does even though he should have retired years ago! I have many other family members & friends in the forces & its quite natural for me to be a supporter of the Armed Forces,as are many people,from many walks of life...But i do think Duncy is wrong to put me up there with the likes of Katherine Jenkins...(another moment of her obsessive behaviour which is a tad un-natural).
The EDL offered to send some dog toys to an appeal we at started last September. Over 60,000 donations were recieved for the working dogs in Afghanistan, from small children to residents in nursing homes... I don't get the point of this little snippet of info from Duncy and her grizzly trolls, so the EDL want to donate dog toys... oooerr, thats front page news if i ever saw it & why is it used against a charitable organisation! If an EDL member did a sponsored event for H4H, would you be attacking them like you are me? I doubt it....
I'm just getting another cuppa, i suggest you my dear readers do the same...
Right thats better...whats next....
She wasnt surprised to discover i run , of course she wasn't,she is behind me more often than my bloody shadow,as this post confirms...why is it following me around facebook so long after the big group that ruined her life..maybe it didnt ruin her life,as it seems it actually became the focus for her life! Move on Duncy, we all have,including are so yesterday... *sighs*...How do i know Andi, well the clue will be the middle bit of his name...'QPR'.... i am a footy fanatic & will no doubt have come across the only QPR supporter in some football group, got to feel sorry for him really and my banter with him is well known & quite hilarious,but all about football.. I am not, never have been and never will be a member of the EDL.. However, i dont ask people i meet on a social networking site, who do you vote for and what groups do you belong to?.. how many of you do that as maybe i am in the wrong for not interrogating my 'friends list'...
Lets go off on a little tangent here.... pull up a chair,sandbag or whatever is comfy for your derierre....
Lets sort out the definition of friends once and for all....the oxford definition is available on-line for your clarification. (dont google friends as you get thousands of pages about Ross,Rachel and all the other cast)...So friends are people you know, know in real life too and not an aquaintance you have met on a social networking site.. a friend is someone who you socialise with, have a laugh in a pub or cafe or work place etc with... you get the idea as many of you have friends..friends are people you celebrate your birthdays with and usually have photos showing you enjoying said mine, my friends are real people and not represented by a computer screen showing their profile..imagine how silly i'd look dragging my lap top from pub to clubs open on my 'friends' profile! Really, i do wish Duncy would not tar me with the same brush as advice to her is to get out more, get away from your computer and find the exit from the building you fester in, fresh air might clear your brain and give you a whole new meaning to life... So, back to Friends... I have over 2000 of you blighters on my 'friends list' and lets be honest, most of us hardly ever communicate, we may share a common interest or we more than likely have no idea where we added each other from,so the term friend is used loosely....No offence meant by the way... I will feel the pain when the delete the bitch starts LOLZ.... by the way for clarification again, when i type LOLZ i am not laughing out loud,i am actually saying LOLZ....I have met many wonderful people from my friends list and hope this continues, for that fact, i thank social networking....
Right, next please...what do we have.....
This post in her blog, so where is it from and who is the author..i ask because facebook doesn't rate its comments posted,if it did,then the biggest by far would be 'google JoJo Cleary'... yes i know, it sounds like i am blowing my own trumpet,i assure you i am not, i have a following doing it for will become apparent later in this blog.. BUT, this post above is taken from a media website where most rated comments are listed,what has that got to do with me?..selective and creative editing by the great unwashed me thinks....
Dennis Raines.... (sorry for including you in this without your permission).. I met Dennis on-line (so didnt really meet him did i), he is a veteran and i met him through a support the British Armed Forces Group that i and two other vets set up when facebook was first created,so a good few years ago ... In this group we offer a support system in many ways, employment, housing advise, ptsd help, infact anything to help the military community and their families... Dennis and his political views were not known to me until Duncy foamed excessively about them...and nor did his political views cloud his judgment when deleting racist posts from the big group ( we refer to it as the big group, Duncy calls it the super group..there she goes again bigging me up)... Yes i did thank ALL the admins, there were 15 of them,made up of people from every walk in life..the group to this day still has over 3/4 million people in ask your self why every member of the admin and every member of the group are not getting it from the insipid odious trolls like i am?... cant have one rule for one etc....What she constantly forgets to mention is that hundreds of thousands of muslims were also members in that group,but that would not serve her vicious agenda any good would it now....just like she has forgotten to mention the many muslim friends (some are real friends folk) or the many black friends i have on my 'list'..infact lets clear something up right now, i have family members who are black,will i wheel them out to shut her and all those hanging off her every word,no i wont..because they are loved members of my family and not token relatives to appease internet trolls and the equally 'not right in the head' people who follow her...
Creative editing like an MP's expenses was something i mentioned way up top and i am going to prove it to you now...
She originally posted a photograph of myself and Mike Mosley, the veteran who sent me a message about the proposed march and hence the creation of the big group...The photo was of Mike and I meeting at a ball in Hereford in March 2010. The ball was in memory of Rifleman William Aldridge & organised by his mother Lucy Aldridge. It was a brilliant night and all had a great time,money was raised for a wonderful cause and yes Mike Mosley met me...he also met Lucy Aldridge and many other guests..he then went on to have a long term relationship with Sally Harvey, a very close real life friend of Lucy Aldridges....yet only i have ever been linked to him and his previous political connections.. she has also removed Emma Crowley from her blog..Emma was an admin on the group and many others we were involved in...why is that then?..if you stand by your words Duncy, dont edit them as you form new friendships with those mentioned above..selective hatred really weakens the case hun..LOLZ.. Without going into to much detail at this point,let me explain in short about Lucy Aldridge and myself.. She met me on-line (surprise surprise) through the support group i was involved in and previously mentioned up above somewhere...the same group i met Dennis Raines and Mike Mosley..Lucy came to the group after the tragic death of her son in Afghanistan, for support and offering support to other mothers, we formed a friendship very quickly,outside of facebook too...We fell out later on and i became the devil itself.. lets face it, she had lost her son and on the occaisions i defended myself or argued with her,i was always going to be in the wrong.. damned if i do and damned if i didnt..well damn me, i am having my say now! I am not going to bore you silly about two birds per, it is pathetic and childish,but i will be showing you why this is important to Duncy and Lucy's own agenda's against me..... Why is Lucy Aldridge not a racist in Duncys world when her relationships with people i am linked to is much deeper than my on-line aquaintance?...double standards me thinks....Mike Mosley also came to me through the support group, he has severe PTSD and upto the great love in that Duncy is now embracing with her new found friends,she persecuted this man who has a severe mental illness...when did he become excused Duncy, was it after the intervention of Ms Aldridge and your common bond that is the basis of your friendship?.. lets just confirm those relationships shall the way, where is the concrete evidence that i am a member of the BNP or the EDL?... as far as i can see, i am no more involved by association than some on your own friends list?...
This little screenshot shows Duncys opinion of just two regiments of the Armed Forces....there are plenty more but i will save them for another day...but its as plain as the nose on your face,she doesnt think much of them.
This is confirmation of the friendship between the two....the strong bond is why Duncy now edits the blog to remove anyone connected to Ms Aldridge...again i ask why? the date of this screen shot is visible and i mention this as last time i pointed out this meeting of such great minds (coughs), they removed each other... again ask yourself why if its such a solid relationship...fickle lot aren't they.....
Lets get back to old majors blog again...
Simon Bennet may well be known to Duncy but he wasn't to see i dont go round looking into people lifes,especially at the time all this was going on..yes i was on-line a lot and it was due to me undergoing chemo every two weeks for a very serious many others when stuck home ill, i spent far to much time on-line...After the big group i was innundated with people asking me to help them promote causes etc, i did when i could and hence the intro of Simon Bennett...He asked on behalf of a veteran if it were possible to send a 21st birthday card to a injured serviceman who had been propelled into the spot light by his bravery..I asked the said injured soldiers mother,who agreed and hence the said soldier and his twin were sent thousands of birthday cards and gifts... again many of us were involved in this campaign, one in particular who at the time was also a very good friend of Ms Aldridges but also fell foul of her wrath not long afterwards,something i am ashamed to admit i was part of & i suppose you could call it Karma that the tide turned on me the person i am on about, i want you to know i am very sorry for my part in that.. It came out about Simons BNP connections and the press lost fact of what it was all about and made it a political issue,rather than thousands of people wanting to wish an injured soldier a very happy 21st birthday...
Another tangent here but one that needs saying and one i will continue to say... I dont care about politics...the Armed forces are non political and so is everything i do and am involved in.. I support the tories and if you chose to judge me on who i vote for,then do so with facts and not fiction..I really dont care who votes for who because men and women have died to give us all that freedom... if this makes me wrong so be it.. but take a good long hard at yourself and check all your 'friends' before judging me...or alternatively,like me, stay non political and keep supporting the Armed Forces,who Duncy herself believes are riddled with BNP regiments...why do people give a fake profile on Facebook so much credit and substance,is it to further their own agendas..i think so because no one who supports the Armed Forces would give this troll the time of day with her obvious dislike of our great military...tut tut little sheep.....
After the big group it was decided collectively, to change the direction, this included advise from Wiltshire police who were concerned about leaving nearly one million people hanging in anger...Included in the change of direction was Lucy Aldridge..she along with other mothers/fathers of the fallen,agreed and openly participated in the promotion of Highway for heroes... this was a proposal to have the route between RAF Lyneham & The John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford marked by milestones in memory of all those who had travelled that route on repatrtiation, several other charities were involved & willing to fund the milestones... I fail to see why this is an issue and one that Duncy feels the need to ridicule and gloat over at its failure.. does she not take her friends involvement in this campaign seriously?..or is this another bit of deleting i see looming...oops!... never mind, i do have screen shots of Ms Aldridge ridiculing it too recently,selective amnesia has obviously made her forget her part....
** I must add at this point that many typo's are evident in this little blog of mine,its not a major issue but these typo's will be discussed at great length by certain groups..again evidence of such will be posted later on, if that is all i had to worry about in life..*bigger sigh* **
Duncy a little pointer love,it is Sandhurst and not Sandhurt... oops i have just acted like a troll ,slaps my own trotter at such insolence.... Now about this group, i was asked to help as i spent a lot of my life at the great Royal Military Academy Sandhurst... I was asked by school friends of mine who still lived there to help and i did,because i agreed with the campaign...For those who dont know the group and lets face it, old major has left out most of the facts again... There has been a mosque on this site for many many years, no one was asking for this mosque to be removed,we were against the proposal off knocking down a listed building and a super mosque being built,which would have had two 100 foot minarets.. these minarets would have a birds eye view over the Military academy and i personally felt they were a security issue and happily joined this group...(notice again the un-natural obsession my shadow has,just as well i dont suffer with paranoia with so many following me)... The group was never about the removal of the existing mosque but against what i have mentioned... we were not the only ones either, the local council also agreed and turned down planning permisssion..the existing mosque is still in place and being used for the local muslim community..incidently,some of who are serving members of the armed forces in the academy...left that out too didnt you Dunce...(i'm tutting so much here i sound like Skippy the bush kangeroo)... hardly makes me a fanatical extremist still does it.....and any one using a fake profile and calling me a liar is quite hilarious really....
Mark Leader group... well she really has been busy with following me again and shame she got the facts wrong isnt it...firstly it wasn't my group, it was the father of two serving soldiers who started it and one i again agreed with..Mark Leader was sacked from the army for throwing a welly at a prisoner in Afghanistan.. he lost his pension and everything he had spent over 15 yrs working for..yes i was pissed off,along with over 200,000 other group members.. i never dumped anything, it wasnt my group to start with so why does old major blame me..also had she wiped the excessive foam from her chops,she might have read that Mark Leader had requested we all shut up (in a nice way of course and my words not his) and not jeopadise his appeal..simple really,as the truth normally is..but the truth doesnt get the juices flowing for our old major...
A little light entertainment ..because all this is boring me ... and lets give the great unwashed something else to have a go gingerism (is that a word or have i just made it up).. well anyway, i posted this on my profile last night and it made some friends grin.... My advice to my red/ginger haired friends is to not get a Brazillian, it will look like a fish finger......(bet old major is a red head,wouldn't that be my luck hey )
Back to the blog *yawn,stretch,scartch my arse,continues*
Soldiers off the Streets.. what a brilliant charity... so what if the founder use to be a bnp member, Dunce has forgiven Mike Mosley for his past association with the BNP,why is she not so forgiving for others who have left.. Maybe the group promoting this blog she has poured all her venom into should take a day from Bill Murray's life and do what he does.. how many off them would go out all night looking for ex-servicemen living on the streets,just to feed many of them would give a toss about the homeless full stop!! Yes i have the raving hump now.. I cant stand those who fester in their homes slagging off an organisation that spends every night feeding,clothing and trying to help ex-servicemen,many with mental illness's, living rough on our streets.. GET OFF YOUR LAZY ARSES AND DO SOME GOOD RATHER THAN ATTACKING THOSE THAT DO...Everyone who has helped share her blog are as guilty as her for slamming this great organisation.. You should all be ashamed of yourselves and dont call yourself supporters of the armed forces, you are selective in who you usually support and its usually causes surrounding your own promotion!!
I am called a media whore by Dunce and her new found cronies...hmmm, when was i last in the media..let me think, of yes,it was for the 21st birthday card campaign in March 2010...i can see how that would be me saturating the media for my own needs...and that occaision was only due to old major and her herd contacting them about my involvement..own goal there peeps... so this accusation of me being a self promoting BNP,EDL whatever else i have been called, is only in their minds and again, i worry that so many think of me so much....*shudders*...
Alan Shears aka Billy Shears.... Another who has found new friendships with old to laugh really... Crowley fell out with this idiot ages ago and when troops relief was formed in March 2010,he sent me a message claiming i had stolen his 'incognito' can i steal something i did not know about.. I will post many posts about the argument he had with Crowley and myself over this period,but in the meantime let me tell you a little bit about his right hand man Piers Mettrick,who incidently,is now a 'good friend' of Ms Aldridges too...seeing a pattern here yet :-)
Piers is Shears good friend and involved in his charity...however, he has a shady past,recent past and its not just once,but twice this man was arrested and charged once of serious fraud ...would you really like this man collecting funds for you? for Shears, i first come across him when working for HOT,another military charity and again,work i have done prvately just to help where i can...Shears left there under dubious circumstances and is a character (stress the character part) who can spin a very tall tale....
Sue Sharpe was a profile created not just for me but for several mothers of the fallen who had been victims of a fake marine scam,have a ganders;
Well looky look, Ms Aldridge is again involved.... Sue Sharpe was created to keep an eye on the woman who was in it up to her eye balls and every one of us had the log in details... so again, why am i being used as the scape goat...and if its a crime to have a fake profile,why the hell are we even discussing this over the rantings of a fake profile called Darcy Jones.. hmmmm... and lets face it...Ms Aldridge has her own fake profiles...have a look at the following.
Take a note of the bottom of this screen shot,it will show you it is from Ms Aldridges own desk top and confirms her obsession of myself and Dee Edwards, files which are prominent on the lower tool i ask old major,why is it ok for others to have fake profiles and use them to spy on me?.....
and here she is using the exact screen shot from my profile on her own...(more skippy noises from here)
The constant mentions of Ms Aldridge will become apparent as i go on...its not me harrassing her but this is me finally standing up to her.... it is also to establish her involvement in the promoting of this blog by old major and the continuing harrassment I suffer almost daily from Ms Aldrdige and her friends...all off which is going to published for you to see and judge for your self... I could have stayed quiet but why should i...I have put up with this since January 2010 and i have a right to defend myself and more importantly,Troops Relief....
and here is more evidenc of her involvement...Aldridge is very clever at manipulating those not quite able to think for themselves....She has used them to do her dirty work for her..i almost pity them but remind myself they are not worthy of my pity....
I have to ask why they are all called x.... i have no one on my friends list,past or present with such a name...the nearest is a cat whose name begins with X and i am sure she cant type...nor was she born until this lets go through them all as i know who is who LOLZ....
The one about being a RSM's daughter is by a little man called Tim Wade...good frind of Ms Aldridges and does her non registered or accountable to anyones website ( i include that comment about accountability as i have been questioned over funds raised by troops relief by Aldridges 'friends').. so Tim, you've been very vocal in slagging me off and promoting old majors blog...explain this screen know,with you calling me a racist and all that jazz.....
Clarification that this Fake Profile (yes another friend of Duncys and Ms Aldridge using a fake profile) is below...but i hope you all noted the use of the n word by Mr Wade....
Not a very nice man is he.....and i dont mean his looks but due to his racist remarks which i personally find very offensive....Where are you Dunce when your own friends are being vile....
Look at how the racist Tim Wade thinks i should be dealt with, he wants to take me out but alas,not for a meal...thank god...*wipes brow with relief*...
A lot of folk are scared of me by Jubba..oops Emma Crowley.. she was never lied to and infact she is one of the biggest stirrers on facebook...she is involved in more arguments than a politician.. i have so many screenshots of her and her trouble making posts but am saving them for a blog dedicated to her ....they include her & her own family,or should i say her mother, bullying people on Ems, when i asked you to not get involved and not worry about anything,which bit did you find difficult to understand?
Be very careful Emma.... People in glass houses and all that jazz.. and before you go screaming to mummy for protection, dont bother...she gets a mention too....Now the other comments are from Helen Layton...who the hell is she?..never had her on my friends list and until recently,have never communicated with her.. so she claims i made up a dead son...hmm, well sorry to disappoint you or steal your thunder here Layton, it was actually the one million group who made that up,when the big group was why have you come along and claimed that victory? feeling left out hin..shame..well Layton,you are very vocal in attacking me but have never produced any evidence to back up this claim of yours..and as i have previously stated,if i were sick enough to lie about losing a child in conflict,surely one of my many family members or real life friends might have picked me up on this fact!...Another sad indivdual desperate to please the puppet master and score brownie points..
All of the above are very close friends of Lucy Aldridge...all have contributed to old majors blog..have you not worked it out yet that this is a witch hunt against me..I am the victim of on-line bullying and continue to be so..however,this victim does not lose sleep over a bunch of misfits who spend their lifes trawling around the internet looking for what i am doing..nor do i,even though with all the evidence i have posted and will continue to post, suggests i do LOLZ...every screenshot i have and will be posting are from public forums or from people who have remained in contact with those involved,due to them being disgusted at what is said about me and more importantly,Troops relief...
So folks...thats the blog answered and i would have answered more,only it has been cut and edited so much.. however,i will continue to post evidence here to prove what crap i put up with and how the above named are hell bent on destroying a charitable organisation.. I would ask that you all continue to support Troops Relief..we are not a front to any political party,bit like the Military itself..I am a proud member of the wider military family and will continue to be so.... There is no evidence to prove i am a member of any group or political party,apart from my own admission of who i vote for...fact not fiction and quite frankly,i didnt have to share it...there is a reason we get privacy at the ballot box......
This started in the christmas holidays and the comments below included threats of violence , i cant publish them as they are with the police. Nor has there ever been any evidence produced to substaniate the claims of Ms Aldridge.
Google me agian :-)
Why do i now have two shadows following me on facebook?...who is harrassing who....
Not even the Troops Relief page is safe....
Why does she have to involve me on a daily basis in her life...more importantly,why is she lying through her arse...evidence about my alleged harrasment of you please....its not my profile mentioning you on a daily basis is it,infact i am pissed off that i have to air this crap in public,but if it shuts them up and gets them to leave me and troops relief alone,its worth it...
Another example of creative editing..she takes one comment from a whole thread and uses it to further her own agenda..but again i ask, why is she still following me on yet another day...the above screen shots are all from one week only and there is so much more....yet i get accused of harrassing her and making her life hell!!
Her friend Tim Wade making anti Islam jokes and shared by Aldridge,why is ok for them to behave in this manner but not for me to be against islamic extremists....
Cant even leave me alone on a veterans group...Layton has to come in and stir it up..where is the respect to our veterans hey...
Evidence of said crimes...oh none again....
another good friend of theirs who admits he is just the messenger....*skips of singing the skippy the bush kangeroo theme tune*
Hmm, well this illiterate being is one who pops on this group to post this regulary... promoting the blog like its life depends on it & do tell why he would ask to join a group he is slagging off,unless of course to cause more trouble...incidently,i do have a screen shot where i have tried to educate the uneducated on speculate to accumulate and also the charity registration process...seems unable to take it all in...bless....but let me know what you make of this cackle of old hens bragging about it......friends of the Councillor and serving Airman, Adrain Coomber...shame he has decided to get involved & in public too..fools i say..did you hear me, fools....oh i will be sharing the councillors and his families comments further down...
The above screen shots is what happens after an attack in whatever group they have followed me too.. they say the guilty like to brag...
lets continue...i am so enjoying myself right now...*claps hand in delight*
Got lots more ,especially involving Mrs Coomber putting the boot in...but am saving them for future reference....strange how total strangers meets someone on-line and literally hang off their every word..i wonder if the same folk were told that their neighbours were serial killers,if they would also take that as gospel...personally i prefer to see it on google..coz we all know it must be true...(trying to promote you again Google,its the guilt from losing you all those hits)
Ms Aldridge on a rant about the edl... naturally it cant help itself but elude to me again...even using tenuous (aimed at me) links to the Norway lunatic who murdered all those innocent people... If this wasnt so tragic, i really would be pissing myself laughing...mind of a mad woman is showing her true colours of manipulation the whole thread to the bottom....
Nothing i or troops relief does is free from their evilness... Troops Relief are holding a ball to thank WB for all they have done..all proceeds are going to the local RBL branch...,yet people want to sabotage the event...look at what was recieved by a member of the Troops Relief team....Naturally i chose to reply & referred the policeman to two solicitors ( one collating info for future reference & the other handling the charity process) and Wiltshire police themselves...well i was well known by some through the big group....but who would want to sabotage such a wonderful night... i will allow you to phone a friend...ask the audience or even scroll through this blog for a clue LOLZ...
If my name does end up on any membership list, i do hope the said organisation can verify my signiture and payment method...otherwise i will be seeing them in court...but of course that will only happen if one of the nasties wastes their own money on adding me...oh by the way...way up top i made a comment about Ms Aldridge having selective amnesia...please do note in this thread that she is laughing at a group and poignant campaign,which she herself helped spearhead in memory of all those repatriated through WB... why would she find its failure amusing....
Even our patrons are the following screenshot of old majors herd felt the need to send this to Jon Gaunts'd think they'd get my bloody name right though...they use it enough hey..we all had a huge laugh at this one though,including the adorable Mr Gaunt himself....
I was publiclly accused of stealing Ms Aldridges photographs last year...she made quite a song and dance about it and enjoyed playing centre stage... this is mentioned in Duncys blog i believe,might be wrong but because the bleating goes on and on and the same old is regurgitated on demand,i lose count of where i saw it last...however,let me assure you that when Ms Aldridge & I started The William Aldridge Foundation TOGETHER... Troops Relief was originally to be an event of said foundation...hence the creation of the TR group and with the permission of Ms Aldridge, the photos were uploaded...the very same photographs that she had sold to the highest bidder in the media world....that damn amnesia is really bad hey...oh by the way, when it came to handing the money over to Afghan Heroes,as per the agreement, Ms Aldridge had a paddy and fell out with the founder,taking the money with her....
Daniel O Neil who she is slating in this screenie above is a serving soldier who stuck up for his Ms Aldridge decided he was wrong and berated him along with her cronies...He has severe PTSD & recieved lots of abusive messages calling him weak!! Nice about kicking a man why he is down.. then 'someone'went on to telephone Pathways where he was being treated,to have him removed...So lets get this right.. A young soldier with PTSD has a barney with her and 'someone' calls his treatment centre causing tell what part of supporting our troops that comes under?.. incase you get confused,'someone' also phoned the CO of Jades other half and demanded he be disciplined advice to Ms Aldridge is simple, if you cant take the retaliation, dont dish it out!
Here is the link to the sale of the alleged stolen photos, do note that these were sold in September 2009...i uploaded them with permission on april 1st 2010... i did not have to ask but did out of respect, as once they were sold to the press,they are readily available to EVERYONE....
The delightful Mystic Crowley again being herself....dont forget this is the thing that claims she was frightened and intimidated by me....she claims to be able to be a psychic...i prefer the term psycho myself....either way,she never saw this blog coming did she :-)
Going back to the big super group which is the backbone to Duncys blog and the start of me being propelled into her life....(she should thank me)... a blog promoted by Ms Aldridge who is quite vocal in her opinions of me, have a look at this link to a Daily Mail story which involves myself and Ms Aldridge...fellow campaigner is what she is called... thank god i dont't suffer with Amnesia hey folks....but again, why am i the only one being persecuted for this,why has old major selectively chosen to forgive some but not others...simple really, i dont kiss an old trolls arse.....
One of the herd of trolls and the one who actually took the time to contact Jon Gaunts agent (see above,up there somewhere) but do pay particular attention to how they like to mock the armed forces...again....
*sings 'its a family affair'... note to this Crowley, move out of the glass house before lobbing stones my way girlie..... *note gender can not be confirmed again and the reference to female gender is purely an assumption on my part....they even use posts on Troops Relief promoting The Royal Marines Association for their own agenda...where is the respect Crowley 2.......
Oh i do like to be beside the sea will notice i often sing to reflects whats in the heart and i actually do love living by the sea see the fresh sea air keeps the mind clear,the sea breeze is bracing so that you raise your shoulders when walking in it... maybe that is why i have such broad shoulders...(checks for those damn 80's shoulder pads that are making a come back)....
I would like to show a little screenie that confirms Ms Aldridge & I started WAF & Troops Relief together, this screenie also seems to go against all the accusations of me running a front for the'll see what i mean :-)
' Wills mother who co founded both groups'.... Well i hope that puts that argument to bed once and for all...after our barney, i took Troops Relief & quite rightly Ms Aldridge took her sons foundation... but i wont be called a liar and be told i never had anything to do with it..
yes you are a block of wood Jimmy..... he is referring to the big group... well why did nearly one million people get involved Jimmy, when you work it out, give us a call... from the math worked out on his own posts, (he claims to be late 40's), he cant have done that long in the army...
yet questions what connections i have,which i answered and which he chose to ignore... silly jimmy, incidently, he went running back to Ms Aldridge and gave them a completely different version of events, screen shot some where...will hook it out... Its like a lucky dip with these never know what your going to pull out next... oh by the way Jimmy, still waiting for the link to the news stories you claim 'Edwards and i' gave to the media..let me prompt that old muddled brain cell for you, you told Ms Aldridge & Jubba, sorry Crowley, that we had done a story in the press reference Carterton...if you cant remember that, screen shot can be supplied....see how considerate my friends are..their vigilance means i dont miss a thing when it comes to standing up for myself ;-)
I don't have many words in response to this clear and malicious campaign regarding you, and the constant and so badly necessary work you do for others, Jo...just hugs...and you know where to find your supporters....Sue...x
ReplyDeleteThey obviously lead a very sad life....... Good on you for showing what they are really like
ReplyDeletewow! some people should just get a life.... think of what good they could be doing other than sitting on their behinds doing this every day. Just wow.
ReplyDeletei must admit i could not be bothered to read all of this tripe however since miss Cleary has seen fit to mention myself, my husband and my daughter it soon became blatently obvious the only person stalking and bullying is in fact yourself and you will be hearing from my lawyers shortly we have all been abroad at a family wedding for nearly 3 weeks and to find this attack on my family as we clearly have not even been in this country is deplorable you are clearly the one obsessed as this diatribe clearly proves..jane crowley
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you get a life instead of wasting everyones time with this crap. If you think a cut/pasted joke about the London riots amounts to the same BNP/EDL racist/facist right wing bollocks that you support; you are totally mentally ill.
ReplyDeleteAnd leave real forces supporters that HAVE GIVEN money to worthy armed forces causes out of your lowlife arguments before you've even announced where any of the money you've taken, has gone, eh?
Grow up!
Tim Wade!
And I'd advise you to get peoples names, and the names of organisations out of your post, and it's meta data and tags - that alone without our permission is a crime, as is this hugely falsified and fabricated "bollox" - you have even photoshopped and falsely represented true conversations ffs.
ReplyDeleteYou really are an idiot Joanna Cleary!
And if anyone wants to read my "racist post" that Sarah Rowlands (the same idiot that took it upon herself to write to my clients she'd gained through my website, just to slag me off with fabrications such as I haven't even served or been to the UK; so she could try and capitalise on my work for her boyfriend/husband), here it is:
As you can see it is equally as "racist" as Jojo Cleary's use of military good causes to raise BNP/EDL awareness throughout an impressionable military community, but not as equally pathetic as this stupid rant above she's obviously taken time preparing?
When are you lot going to grow up and smell the coffee? The William Aldridge Foundation and the like are getting things done. You ARE NOT. You are wasting our time, and dividing and demoralizing everyone that is working hard to do the best they can for our forces.
Keep your BNP/EDL facist right wing views and politics out of our charity work that we give our time and efforts for, for free. We don't need your liablous fabricated shit Cleary!
Actually surprises me that you've been preparing this and not BNP marketing amongst the rioters these last few days?
JC & EC: Surely since the pair of you brag about your psychics talents, and that you dabble in the mystery of the tarot, you both would of seen this blog coming and have therefore already instructed your lawyers to deal with this prior to your "3 week family wedding abroad??"
ReplyDelete(Can I have the winning numbers for this Friday's Euro-Lottery please?)
My daughter has never said anything about being psychic, where is there any proof she has? and I dont mean cut and paste jobs like earlier, where Jo has a screen shot of my daughters status about a liar which was actually not aimed at Jo, then a a cut and paste job for a completely different conversation! Axelfm you are talking rubbish and you know it!
ReplyDeleteI think this proves Ms Aldridge lied when she says Jo stole the pictures of William months after they were in the Daily Mirror. Read the proof that WAF was set up between them too. In fact I was in there at the beginning too with Ms Aldridge calling us the 3 Musketeers and saying we should be listed as the 3 co-founders. This was after I had spent 6 months organising a ball for her and which she fell out with me 2 weeks before it took place. Just because I advertised that the 5 bands were playing free of charge - she told me I had no right to do that because they were getting a meal each (£21 per head) so it was not a free service. The bands had all agreed to waive a fee and were told their meals would be provided instead. They had all turned down many other gigs during the 6 months of organising the ball. I was sent an abusive email because I told her not to be so bloody petty. She took it upon herself to then email the bands to say their services were no longer required and proceeded to tell everyone I had then sabotaged the ball. By the way Lucy, what happened to the signed F1 Mark Webber hat that I donated - we never did find out how much money it made for you.
ReplyDeletejo stole lucy aldridges last photo's of her son thats a fact.... his camera was found after he died he phoned lucy just before he was killed and told her loved her as a result of that lucy pleaded with jo to give her back the last legacy of his life, now any self respecting human being would have immediately complied with this request however jo jo as we have proof refused to do so... in order to promote her own personal cause she used without permission wills last photographs.. despite requests from his own mother not to do so ... yes some photo's of william were given to the press as the next of kin were allowed as a proud parent to do so... however many were NOT AND THIS IS THE POINT... surely it is up to the next of kin to decide which and if any should be displayed and despite many pleas from his own mother jo jo refused to hand back that legacy .... in the end it was up to someone else to give back lucy's own sons last photograghs and that folks shows what a total hard hearted person jo cleary realy is ... would you do that ?? his camera was found after he risked his own life saving others, his mother had only that left !!! i leave you judge
ReplyDeleteYou were not party to the conversations, Lucy rang me the night that Jo set up Troops Relief - which was then to be a part of WAF. She was delighted it had been set up and was on the phone to me for almost 3 hours, and anyone knowing Lucy knows what a regular occurrence that can be. She often phoned after midnight. When I first had contact with her she could never praise Jo enough, telling me a wonderful person she was and how much she has helped her. Lucy makes a habit of telling people how much she loves them and how they are such a great friend until they disagree with her. I wrote to her and told her to take a step back and take care of herself. Your own daughter was the one who took emailed me for the details of all the contacts for the ball. If I had tried to sabotage it why did I send her everything. I passed everything to her and despite her being copied into every email I sent to Lucy and Steve Heather she continues to slag me off to everyone saying how I hurt Lucy when all I did was help her. Lucy was staying at my house (not for the first time) 3 days before the disagreement, hugging me and telling me she was sick of people falling out with her and why couldn't they talk like we did as adults and how much she loved me. She made a little disagreement into some huge drama which eventually led to her cronies making death threats to my 11 year old daughter and writing to the Military Prep College demanding they refuse to allow my 16 year old son to join the army. I'll Leave others to judge on that too
ReplyDeleteThere are a few points i would like to make.
ReplyDelete1. What is all this rubbish about Jo having ulterior motives?! Since when does someone have to be up to something untoward to want to help or create a charity?! I have no pets, nor have i ever had any, yet i raise money for the RSPCA!! OMG!!! I'm such a villain!!!!
2. I find it rather amusing that people seem to be contradicting themselves on a rather regular basis. Keep your stories up, people!! You'll be much more believable, if you do, trust me!!
3. All this about politics!! Who cares if someone is BNP/Conservative/Labour or even if someone supports the Potato Party?! It's irrelevant!! Maybe you should move on to a new subject rather than clutching at, rather limp looking, straws?!
4. You're all doing things for charity, which is admirable but it's not a competition and it seems to me that all Jo is trying to do is get on with accomplishing her goals. Maybe you lot should get on with that too, instead of sabotaging hers. Or are your goals that unattainable that you have to do the school yard bully move of putting others down to make you look good?!
Finally, i would like to point out that there are a lot of comments, in these screen shots AND posts that i have read, before any one has had the chance to "alter" them, about "what the troops want" ... How many of you have asked EVERY SINGLE SOLDIER what they want?! I'll place a big bet on ... NOT ONE OF YOU!!!
Get back to your own lives and leave Jo alone!! The only thing she seems to have done wrong is not get shit on her tongue from snogging your puppet-masters lazy, ignorant and, to be fairly reasonable, cowardly arse!!!
On another note... Can i just ask, why is it better that someone has to wait for tragedy to hit before they'll get involved with charity? Surely, the whole point of charity is to get involved out of the goodness of ones heart, rather than waiting for the guilt to sink in that you didn't do anything before!!
JC, I know for a fact you told Jo Cleary you had a lawyer who was going to take action against her about this blog. I wonder what he/she thinks of you posting in the very same blog that you want to sue her about. Had you been involved at the time we (unfortunately) became involved with Lucifer you would be in full knowledge of the 'facts' The fact is that you, along with Paul Murphy, Graham Williams, your foulmouthed daughter, the even fouler Helen Layton and many others have made a career out of being nasty and vindictive and choose to believe lies even when the screen shots prove that Jo is telling the truth.
ReplyDeleteParagraph one of the troll handbook, always threaten victim with a lawyer! Do trolls go round tesco's with a collection tin for money to put in their lawyer fund? Or is it only the rich and elite who can become a troll? Because the amount of times I have seen the words "I'm seeing my lawyer about you" makes me think they have money to burn.
ReplyDeleteAs for the BNP/EDL business, I dont know anything about politics, never have voted, never will as I believe all politicians promise the same thing just to get you to vote for them, but I do understand that it doesnt matter what (if any) political party is behind a charity, as long as the money from that charity is going where its supposed to be going who bloody cares? Do you think that a party can brain wash millions of people just because its set up a charity to help people? I dont think so, People donate money because they believe in the cause, they dont really care who is behind it all.
Also from reading up on things people believe the BNP to be a racist party, that is not the case, there are many black and asian members of BNP, its a party set up to stop ILEGAL IMMIGRATION, not get all the British black and Asian people out of the country so accusing someone of being a member of that party is not really a slur on their character at all.
JC: Now I don't claim to be psychic, but even I knew you were going to come up with such a lame post pet!! lol You and your vile daughter are a pair of disgraceful, attention seeking liars, I will be delighted when the proverbial hits the fan and the truth in regards to all of this, especially in regards to your vile daughters dishonesty, is well publicised..........
ReplyDeletewho exactly is claiming to be psychic jo jo certainly not my so called "vile daughter" and i'm not "claiming to have a lawyer" i do actually have one and all of this is being logged with her, and i am loving the fact that you continue to incriminate yourselves on such a regular basis please carry on dee/michelle/jo jo etc and as for your secret group where you love slagging off hard working honest charity workers please carry on thanks for all your help kind regard j.c. xxx
ReplyDeleteJoanna Cleary - the mother of all trolls has spoken.
ReplyDeleteShame no one is listening.....
Maybe one day she will "catch up" with what everyone else "has done" for charity - but I doubt it.
She'll be too busy spreading vile lies and slander about someone else who is better than her!
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ReplyDeleteReally Cleary. You make me vomit everytime I hear your name. You disrespect the families of our fallen, those volunteers that work their butts off to help our soldiers, and definitely yourself.
ReplyDeleteYou are a walking disgrace to everyone that has ever worn a uniform.
Oh sorry, you haven't have you!
Excuse me, TIM, my husband has worn a uniform for almost as long as i have been alive and i'm 23.. You certainly don't speak for him or anyone of his friends, from his old or new regiments so i'm guessing you don't talk for any other soldier but yourself and the few ignoramuses you can get to listen to you, so don't you dare give the 'you're a disgrace to everyone in uniform' bit because you have no damn right!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI will be creating my own blog about this person and the other people who claim to respect our heroes, they are nothing but racist liars who use their facebook group as a front to try and gain media fame. I have been on the receiving end of their racist comments so know first hand how they behave.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is nothing but poor me attention seeking drivel.
Well said Anjeet! I'm sick of her lies, and misguided attentions, and we for some have better things to do with our time.
ReplyDeleteEnglish Rose - I speak for the majority I served with and don't really care for your opinion either. You believe what you want for now, but the truth is already there for all to see! Whatever drivel and lies (in its edited, and omitted forms) its posted by Cleary here in her rants and moments.
I really am past caring! Better things to do with my time thanks!
And we are on the point of racism Cleary:
ReplyDeleteI see more anti right wing racist pages mention you now:
The more you retaliate with shit lies like this blog, the more people will answer your false allegations too! ;)
And your comments her about all these people are bang out of order.
ReplyDeleteJane and Emma Crowley have nothing wrong except use their brains in siding with Lucy instead of yourself when we discovered your hidden agenda's, like myself. They, like Lucy have done countless hours raising money for military charities and others, and far beyond.
Maybe some of your supporters are less intelligent, and merely envious and bery jealous? Write what you like about us - any bad publicity can be turned into good:
Thanks for another opportunity to place a link on another class C IP network back to our cause, and further raise its link popularity in Google and its search engine position:
Many thanks for giving me the opportunity! ;)
PS Bit stupid having your rant on blogger, where you have no control over comments, eh?
Maybe I can also raise my position and a bit of work on here too?
ReplyDeleteDid everyone know that "Tim Internet" and "William Aldridge" are number one answers in Google, that beat all the national newspapers, TV stations and Radio stations too? I wonder why?
Maybe the answer is because they don't listen to Joanna Cleary or her marketing advisors, and use
Shame "Mark Ormrod" didn't eh Jo? He's the only guy I feel sorry for through your mis-advice and slander!
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ReplyDeleteI'd like to apologise for any of the things i've posted on here. I've read both sides now, instead of just the one and will not be posting again. I'm disgusted with myself for not looking in to both sides in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI don't support racism, homophobia or any kind of prejudice. I'm bisexual and have a lot of Muslim, Sikh, Black, Asian, African and European friends and i just won't tolerate it.
Again, sorry for my uninformed bitching. Won't happen again.
no worries English Rose so many people have been taken in with her lies my daughter gives up all her spare time to help raise money for forces charities she is walking up pen y fan this weekend even though she is not fit she's been training really hard Lucy has to put up with constant harassment from jo jo and c/o and rarely retaliates despite constant provication, her lasting legacy to her son is down in black and white for all to see many many charities have benefited from all her good work and fund raising and Tim Internet is ex serviceman who donates his time and expertise completly free of charge to help many forces charities he tirelessly campaigns for servicemens rights and changes to the law none of us can stand any form of racism and i dont mean copy and pasted edited jokes jo !!! and thats why this whole blog is just a self-serving joke
ReplyDeleteBy the looks of it, my previous comment on here has caused friends to delete me and me to be removed from a group that i thought i had a right to be in.
ReplyDeleteThis sort of behaviour surely proves that all these posts in reply to this blog are true!!!
Not a good way to defend yourself JoJo.... I simply said i was keeping my nose out!!!!
What a nice way of ensuring that people move to the other side.... I'm very upset and disappointed.
Is there a reason why the comment I made last night has been deleted? I said nothing wrong, unless in your eyes the truth is wrong
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me, Anjeet, that any post that they can use to spin their cause is left for all to see but anything they can't use for themselves is taken off.... Very clever, i suppose...
ReplyDeleteperhaps you could post again Anjeet please we would love to see your views after all the tripe jo jo wrote ?
ReplyDeletewhile we are on the subject of charity work jo jo and since you seem to want to bring my "vile daughters" good name in to question how come i happen to know many who have not received their money back from tickets for a so called "sabotaged wooten basset ball" where is your proof it was sabotaged ? and how ? i very much doubt it was even booked at all afterall i'm sure the many r.b.l. would be more than happy to host it for you, yes jo people are still waiting for their money back and dont blame paypall, i use it all the time as do many others, i bet you were hoping people would be too embarrassed to ask for it back so i would get on to it pretty sharpish before you dare to accuse others of any corruption
ReplyDeleteDee Edwards. You are a liar.And your screen shots prove nothing.All they show is a response of anger,to your antics.And you ought to pay your debts,when requested.
ReplyDeleteCleary. You are delusional.